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News and Events


Conference “20 years of Jewish Ethnology in Moldova Republic” will take place on March 27 2012

Dear colleagues!

Center of Ethnology of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences invites you to participate the conference “20 years of Jewish Ethnology in Moldova Republic”, which will take place March 27th 2012. It’s expected to review a wide range of issues, connected with Jewish ethnology, history, culture of Moldova and Jewish ethnology in general.

The working languages of the conference are Russian, English, Romanian.

Unfortunately, the conference organizing committee is unable to pay travel expenses and accommodation, but non-resident and foreign researchers may participate by correspondence.

Topics of reports please send to the email: till March 12.

Following the results of the conference is planned to publish the materials.

Dr. V. Damian,

Dr. I. Shikhova,

Dr. A. Borshevsky,

Dr. E. Brick,

Dr. J. Kushnir,

Group of Jewish ethnology

Institute of Cultural Heritage

Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova

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