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News and Events


XIX International Conference on Jewish Studies | The Program

  “Sefer” – Moscow Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization

19th Annual International Conference

 on Jewish Studies

Moscow, January, 2931, 2012 


(“Ismailovo Beta” Hotel, 71, Ismailovsky road, “Partizanskaya” Underground Station)

Sponsored by


American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee





Euro-Asian Jewish Congress


Russian Jewish Congress

Genesis Philanthropy Group



Information support:




January 29, Sunday

9:00–10:30 – Arrival and accommodation of non-local participants

10:30–11:15 – Check-in for the conference participants




¹ 3–4 (îáúåäèí¸ííàÿ),

2 floor


Opening ceremony. First plenary session

Chairpersons: Michail Chlenov, Victoria Mochalova


Chlenov Michail (Moscow). Ethnic Component of Jewish Civilization

Kovelman Arkady (Moscow). On the Possibility of Non-Confessional Scholarship


Presentations of the new publications and programs in Jewish Studies

Arkady Zeltser. The Encyclopedia of the Righteous Among the Nations: Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust. Europe (Part II). Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2011; David Bankier. Expulsion and Extermination: Holocaust Testimonies from Provincial Lithuania. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2011.

Ilya Altman. Altman I.A., Poltorak D.I. Pravedniki narodov mira. Rossia.1941–1945. Ì., 2011; My ne mozhem molchat. Shkolniki i studenty o Holocauste. Issue 8. Ì., 2011.

Leonid Katsis. Rossica Judaica – Judaica Rossica. Belgrad University. Philology Department, 2011;

Gesharim – Mosty kultury Publishing House

R. Boruch Gorin. Publishing House Text – Knizhniki

Oleg Budnitsky. Archive for Jewish History, Vol. 6

Eugeny Kotlyar. Kharkov State Academy of Design and Art – New Publications

Elena Nosenko-Stein. Jewish Issue of the Diasporas Magazin

Dmitry Shevelyov. Magazin Zeitschrift

Anna Sorokina. Multi-media Textbook and Dictionary of Yiddish

Rivka Belaryova. Yiddish: poster, flash-cards

R. Alexander Lyskovoy, R. Leonid Bimbat. Tora. Sovremennyj commentarij /  Ed. by R. V.G. Plaut; transl. into Russian. Jerusalem: WUPJ, 2011

Alexander Lvov. Socha i Pyatiknizhie: Russkie judejstvuyushie kak textualnoe soobshestvo. S.Petersburg, 2011

Arkady Kovelman. Traineeship Program for University teachers at the MSU

3 floor, restaurant


Lunch for the conference participants

15:00–19:00 sessions (simultaneously)

¹ 3,

2 floor


Judaism and Jewish Thought

Chairpersons: Eugene Rashkovsky, Ruven Ferber

Schneider Michael (Maale-Adumim). Animation of the cultic image, magic of memory and pupils’ initiation

Fishbane Simcha (New-York). In the Absence of Ritual. Customs of the Holiday of Shavuot

Vogman Michail (Moscow). Why the demiurge is evil? A Jewish ethical insight in Gnostic Myth

Zapromyotova Olga (Moscow). The Bar-Kokhba Revolt in the Light of the Jewish Messianic Hopes of the late Second Temple Period.

Gershovich Uri (Alon Shvut). Logic as a tool for philosophical biblical exegesis in the Middle Ages. Gersonides

Turov Igor (Kiev). Imaginative faculty role in the spiritual practice of the Early Hasidism

Melnik Serguey (Moscow). Chabad-Lubavitch and Orthodoxy: comparative analysis of the spiritual practices as the basis of interreligious dialogue

¹ 4,

2 floor


Israeli Society facing New Challenges

Chairperson: Alek D. Epstein

Epstein Alek D. (Maale Adumim). Israel Facing the New Wave of Islamism: The "Arab Spring" and Its Impact on the Jewish State

Surikova Esther (Moscow). The Gilad Shalit deal: public controversy and conflict of values

Maryasis Dmitry (Moscow). Social Protest Movement in Israel in 2011. Its background and consequences

Vitenberg Lilia (Moscow). Oriental Jews in Israel: problems of political integration

Koloda Svetlana (Gorlovka). The influence of national identity in cultural and linguistic affiliations of immigrants from the CIS countries in Israel



Meeting of the Commission: selection of candidates for the Eshnav program

¹ 5,

2 floor


Non-Ashkenazi Jews

In Memoriam of Rashid Kaplanov (19492007)

Chairperson: Maxim Hammal

Rashkovsky Boris (Moscow). The Khazars and Khazarian Khaganate in Karaite Medieval Exegetical Literature: in search for  the New Sources and Approaches

Hammal Maxim (Moscow) The Traditional Ideology of the East-European Karaites in the First half of  the 19th Century

Tereschuk Natalia (Sevastopol). The Contribution of S. Kefeli to Sevastopol Economic and Public Life in the Second Half of 19th Century

Prokhorov Dmitry (Sympheropol). Religious and Legal Aspects of marriage and demographic statistics in the Karaite’s communities in the Russian Empire in the Second Half of 19th and Early 20th  Centuries

Zarubin Vyacheslav (Sympheropol). The Forced Deportation of the Karaites’ Group from the Crimea in 1944

Emelyanenko Tatiana (St.Petersburg). The methods of research of the Bukharian Jews’ traditional costume

Pryschepova Valeria (St.Petersburg). Visual materials on Central Asia Jews (late 19th – early 20th century) from the Kunstkamera collection

Kupovetsky Mark (Moscow). The Role of Academic studies in the development of the Tats’ Ethnic Myth in the End of 19th – early 20th centuries

Semyonîâ Igor (Makhachkala). Mountain Jews’ Traditional and Contemporary Self-Ethnonymics

¹ 8

2 floor


Hebrew Language: Studying and Teaching

Chairperson: Yulia Kondrakova

Alexander Feigin (Moscow). Kri u-khtiv in the Tanakh

Chlenov Michail (Moscow). Language Names as the Indicator of the Hebrew History Periodisation

Dubova Olga (Tel-Aviv). Presentation of a New Audio-Course for Studying Hebrew at an Advanced Level

Maryanchick Evgeniy (Ashdod). The Use of New Technologies in Teaching Hebrew

Konev Alexander (St.Petersburg). Educational Games in Teaching Hebrew to Adults

Barysevich Alena (Minsk). Teaching Listening Comprehension Skills with the Coursebook Ivrit min ha-hatchalah (“Hebrew from Scratch”)

Frenkel Leya (Moscow). Aspects of Using Short Texts (recipes) on Hebrew Lessons

Skorodumova Polina (Moscow). The ways of the Verb Grammaticalization in Biblical and Modern Hebrew

Zyskin Igor (Moscow). Syntactic Function of Prepositional Phrase in Hebrew

Kuvshinova Anna (Moscow). Pragmatic Meanings of Function Words in Modern Hebrew

Semchenkova Daria (Moscow). Set Phrases with Numeral seven in Hebrew

Kondrakova Yulia (Moscow Denial of Conjugated Forms of the Verb in Hebrew (in the Context of Indo-European and Semitic Languages)

¹ 9

2 floor


The Holocaust in the Soviet Union

Chairpersons: Arkady Zeltser, Tanya Manusova

Zeltser Arkady, Manusova Tanya (Jerusalem). Activity of the Center for Research on the History of Soviet Jews during the Holocaust at the International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem

Altman Ilya (Moscow). Activity of the Russian Research and Educanional Holocaust Center and Poklonnaya Hill Museum

Kruglov Alexander (Kharkov) Participation of Germans in Saving of Jews in Ukraine, 1941–1944

Shkarovsky Michail (St.Petersburg). Eastern-Orthodox Church and the Holocaust

Schupak Igor (Dnepropetrovsk). Righteous among the Nations in Ukraine: Motivation, the Attitude of Neighbors, and Nazi Persecution

Feferman Cyril (Moscow). Evacuation of Rostov-on-Don’s Jewish population, 1941–1942. Marking 70 years of the tragedy at Zmievskaya Balka

Kovrigina Ksenia (Paris). Literature of Ravines: Testimonial Holocaust Literature in the USSR

Budnitsky Oleg (Moscow). Ideological Collaboration of the Great Patriotic War period

Medvedovskaya Anna (Dnepropetrovsk). Contemporary Ukrainian historiography of the Holocaust



Departure (for those interested) for the event of

the cultural-educational project Eshkolot

Institute for Media, Architecture and Design «Strelka»


Eshkolot:The Testimony of a Jewish Bibliophile:

From Medieval Provence to Inter-War Vilno

Shimon Jakerson (St. Petersburg Institute of Oriental Manuscripts). Yehudah ibn-Tibbon (1120–1190)

Lara Lempert (Vilnius University). Chaikl Lunsky (1885–1942?)


(address: Bersenevskaya naberezhnaya, 14, build. 5, metro «Kropotkinskaya»)

3 floor, restaurant


Dinner for the conference participants


Monday, 30 January





2 floor


Breakfast for the conference participants

10:00–14:00 sessions (simultaneously)

¹ 4,

2 floor


Biblical Studies.The Ancient Near East

Chairpersons: Serguey Tishchenko, Vladimir Jakobson

Jakobson Vladimir (St.Petersburg). Before Job. From the Letters to the Gods forwards to the God’s Apology

Seleznev Michael (Moscow). Exegesis of Gen 1:1. The Predecessors of Rashi?

Lyavdansky Alexey (Moscow). On the Textual History of Prophecies Concerning Moab: Isa 15–16 and Jer 48

Tishchenko Serguey (Moscow). Contribution for the Temple and Cultic Purification: Meaning of the Verb kippär in the Priestly Tradition

Smorgunova Elena (Moscow). Difficulties of the Translation into Russian of Jewish Verb Forms in Hosea and Other Small Prophets

Barysevich Alena (Minsk). From podczaszy to szynkarz: Biblical Names of Occupations in the Polish Bibles from the 16th century

Tsolyn Dmitry (Ostrog). Translation of Hebrew Poetical Archaisms in the Targums


¹ 3,

2 floor


Jewish Identity, Family, Gender, Tolerance

In Memoriam of Igor Semyonovich Kon (1928–2011)

Chairpersons: Elena Nosenko-Stein, Mark Kupovetsky

Epstein Alek D. (Maale Adumim). Defending the Rights of Minorities: Igor Kon on Jewish Identity, Non-traditional Masculinity and Homosexuality

Shapiro Alexander (Moscow). Jewish Theme in the Life and Creative Work of Igor Semenovich Kon

Khanstantinov Vitaly (Nikolaev). Intercultural Dialogue and Its Role in Promoting Tolerance and Overcoming Judeo-Phobia in the Society

Kantor Alexander (Moscow). Jewish Family and Jewish Characters in Russia in the 20th – early 21st Centuries. Some Marks on Given Case

Elena Nosenko-Stein (Moscow). Family, Relatives and Friends as Forming Jewish Identity in Contemporary Russia

Ashkinazy Leonid (Moscow). Jewish Internet Dating Sites and Jewish in the Internet Dating Sites

Pisarevskaya Dina (Moscow). Jewish Values and Identification among Jewish Young People in Moscow

Pfandl Heinrich (Graz). What is the Difference between a Jew and a Russian? The Formulation of the Question

Spector Roman (Moscow). Jewry in the Face of Total Crisis. Problem Formulation


¹ 9

2 floor


Holocaust in the Soviet Union

Chairpersons: Ilya Altman, Arkady Zeltser

Shpagin Serguey (Rostov-on-Don). The Holocaust as a Post-Historical Phenomenon

Dvuzhilnaya Inessa (Grodno). Unheard Scores: The Holocaust Theme in Works of Mieczyslaw Weinberg

Zeltser Arkady (Jerusalem). The "Materialized" Memory of Soviet Jews regarding the Shoah: Monuments and Ethnic Identity

Ionina Masha (Jerusalem). The Language and the Semantic Aspects of the Documentation of the Borisov Ghetto

Shneer Aaron (Jerusalem). "There was no Punishment for Murder of Jews…": a Profile of a Collaborationist

Vinokurova Faina (Vinnitsa). The Ghettos of Transnistria: Factors of Survival in Romanian-Occupied Territory (19411944). Survey of Archival Sources

Winkler Christina (Leicester). Remembrance of the Holocaust in Contemporary Russia

Shaldova Victoria (Riga). Social Concepts of the Holocaust among Different Ethnic Groups in Latvia

Grib Elena (Moscow). The Holocaust and  Literature on the Website Presentation


¹ 5,

2 floor


History of Jews in the Russian Empire

Chairpersons: Alexander Lokshin, Dmitry Elyashevich

Gerasimova Victoria (Moscow). Adventurers, Criminals, Madmen. Deviant Behavior of Converted Jews in the 18th Century Russia

Shaydurov Vladimir (St.Petersburg). Jews in Siberia in the First Third of 19th century

Feldman Dmitry (Moscow). Nicholas I and Krakow’s Jews: on Origin of One Document from RGADA Collection

Vitenberg Maya (St.Petersburg). Economic Life of the Jewish Population within the Pale in 1850–1860es (Based on «Materials on geography and the statistics, collected by general-staff officers 1859–1868»)

Lokshin Alexander (Moscow). From The History of Jewish Traditional School (heder) in the Russian Empire

Bezarov Alexander (Tchernovtsy). Peculiarities of Formation of the Russian-Jewish Revolutionary Spirit in the Second Half of the 19th Century

Gusev Victor (Kiev). Bund and RSDRP(b): One Goal. Allies or Rivals (1889–1906)

Kelner Victor (St.Petersburg). M. Vinaver and the First State Duma

Nam Iraida (Tomsk). Jewish Press in Siberia (1917–1919)

Schukin Vladimir (Nikolaev). Nikolayev Official Rabbi Leib Vilensky’ Case on Charges of Revolutionary Propaganda


¹ 8,

2 floor


Applied Judaica: Museums, Collections, Field Research

Chairperson: Olga Belova

Stampfer Shaul (Jerusalem). 'Bagels' and 'Felafel' – Two Classic Jewish Foods and Their Meaning

Lyubchenko Volodymyr (Kiev). ‘Dreidl’ as an Element of Traditional Ashkenazic Culture: History, Typology, Regional Peculiarities (on the Materials from Ukraine)

Lempert Lara (Vilnius). The Search for “Jewish folk culture” in Lithuania in the 1st half of the 20th century

Lvov Alexander (St.Petersburg). New Judaizers Community in Transcarpathia (2011 field research)

Amosova Svetlana (Moscow). "Jewish Town" as Seen by the Old Believers (based on materials from Preily, Latvia)

3 floor, restaurant


Lunch for the conference participants

15:00–19:00 sessions (simultaneously)

¹ 4,

2 floor


Biblical Studies.The Ancient Near East

Chairpersons: Serguey Tishchenko, Vladimir Jakobson

Grishchenko Alexander (Kiev). The Hebraisms mashl’akh and malkatoshva in Old Russian Explanatory Paleya: The Chronology of Their Adopting According to Historical Phonetics

Dreier Leonid (Moscow). Construction Terminology in the Tractate Middot

Grygoryshin Serguey (Kiev). Cultural Loanwords in Genesis 5:1–20

Lifshits Alexander (Moscow). Some  Examples of Play on Words in 2 Kings 1 & 2

Fedotova Elena (Moscow). Riddle of Samson (Judg 14:14): Attempt to Symbolic Interpretation

Zezyulina Julia (Minsk). Sabbath Celebration Rules in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in Judaic Tradition

Karanaev Michail (Kazan). The Confrontation between Aristobulus II and Hyrcanus II: on the Issue of the Use of Mercenaries

Chernoivanenko Vitaly (Kiev). Levit 18:22 Problem of Translation and Interpretation


¹ 5,

2 floor


Regional Studies. From the History of Jewish Communities

Chairpersons: Lilia Kalmina, Semyon Charnyi

Heinert Felix (Cologne). The Riga kahal – Jewish Modernity and the Riga Counter-Narrative

Andreyev Alexey (Yakutsk). Formation of the Jewish Community in Yakutia (2nd half of 19th – early 20th centuries)

Kalmina Lilia (Ulan-Ude). Policy Towards Jews in Yakutia: View from the Governor’s Seat

Goncharova Elena (Barnaul). Russian Legislative Policy and Immovable Property of the Jews in the Cities of Siberia: 19th – early 20th  centuries

Zacharova Lubov (Tulà). The Origin and the Formation of Jewish Community Institutions in Internal Provinces in the Middle of 19th – early 20th centuries (on the example of Tula Province)

Pavlyuk Andrey (Nikolaev). The Activities of the Commerce Adviser Peretz in South-Ukrainian Region

Khartchenko Artyom (Kharkov). Kharkiv Jewish Community in the end of 19th – early 20th centuries: Conformism under Conditions of a Stick without a Carrot

Pavlyuk Evgenia (Nikolaev). Jewish Participation in Establishment of the Export Grain Market in Nikolaev in the second half of 19th – early 20th Centuries

Pulkin Maxim (Petrozavodsk). Political Exile in the 19th – early 20th Centuries: Russian-Jewish Encounter in Extreme Conditions (the European North of Russia)


¹ 9

2 floor


The Holocaust in the USSR

Chairpersons: Ilya Altman, Arkady Zeltser

Round Table: The Holocaust in the Soviet Union: Methodological Issues and Problems of Sources

Aaron Weiss (Jerusalem, JDC) will take part in this session


Kovalev Boris (Velikiy Novgorod). The Katyn Tragedy and the Halocaust

Ermakov Alexander (Yaroslavl). Anti-Semitic propaganda from the Parliamentary rostrum: Julius Streicher’s speeches in Bavarian Landtag (1924–1932)

Rosenblat Eugeny (Brest). Anti-Semitic Propaganda in Nazi-occupied Soviet Territory in the light of Soviet Sources

¹ 8,

2 floor
















Applied Judaica: Museums, Collections, Field Research

Chairperson: Olga Belova

Gradinskaite Vilma (Vilnius). Development of Jewish Museums in Lithuania

Kaspina Maria (Moscow). Jewish Museum in Moscow

Khamray Alexey, Sergeeva Irena (Kiev). Collection of Pinqassim in the V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Sokolova Alla (St.Petersburg). "A Thing... is the Memory..." (based on the materials collected for the exhibition project "Jewish family relics")

Hakkarainen Marina (St.Petersburg). “A Thing... is the Memory..." (based on the materials collected for the exhibition project "Jewish family relics")

Film Demonstration: Exhibition Project “Jewish Family Relics and Jewish Memory” at the State Museum of the History of Religion (50 minutes)


¹ 3,

2 floor


Judaism and Jewish Thought

Chairpersons: Eugene Rashkovsky, Ruven Ferber

Rashkovsky Eugene (Moscow). Enslaved Soul: A Gnostic Theme in the History of Jewish Thought and Culture

Bimbat Leonid (Moscow). An Image of Rain: from Hebrew Bible to Contemporary Israeli Culture

Berkovitch Nahum (St.Petersburg). The Tanakh and Antiquity Heritage in Jewish Philosophy: The Relevance of the Method of Deconstruction

Stepanischev Serguey (Moscow). Interior without Exterior. How continues the Line of Heraclitus – Hegel – Heidegger in the Philosophy of Levinas and Derrida?

Revitch Ilya (Khabarovsk). God is not dead. He had been betrayed…

Dvorkin Ilya (Jerusalem). Between Phenomenology and Neo-Kantianism. Davos Dilemma of Jewish Philosophy of the 20th century

Leitane Ivetta (Riga). Jacob Gordin: Resistance within the Jewish Cultures of Knowledge

Ferber Ruven (Riga). On Space and Time of Tanakh: in Memory of Joel Veinberg

3 floor, restaurant


Dinner for the conference participants

Sefer Academic Board Meeting


31 January, Tuesday





2 floor, restaurant


Breakfast for the conference participants

sessions (simultaneously)

¹ 5,

2 floor


Regional Studies. From the History of Jewish Communities

Chairpersons: Lilia Kalmina, Semyon Charnyi

Pozin Gary (St.Petersburg). Founders of the OZE

Zvyagin Serguey (Kemerovo). Tomsk Attorney M.G. Ginsberg during the Revolution and the Civil War

Voloshinova Irena (St.Petersburg). History of Jewish Migration in USSR

Kondratyuk Grygoryi (Sympheropol). The Activities of the Crimean KOMZET in the Context of Nativization Policy in the Crimean Autonomous Republic: the Interwar Period

Romantsov Roman (Lublin). Jewish Schools in Lviv: 1918–1939

Guenina Elena (Kemerovo). Irkutsk Jewish Community in the Middle of the 1940s – the early 1950s

Alexeeva Olga (Riga). Development of the Jewish National Movement through the Prism of Arrests of Jews in Latvian SSR (text available)

Guelman Boris (Sevastopol). Sevastopol Synagogues (3rd 21st  Centuries): Disappearance and Step to Recovery

Charnyi Semyon (Moscow). Jewish «Umbrella» Organizations: Establishment, Development, Contemporary State


¹ 3,

2 floor


Jewish Identity, Family, Gender, Tolerance

In Memoriam of Igor Semyonovich Kon (1928–2011)

Chairpersons: Elena Nosenko-Stein, Mark Kupovetsky

Goncharov Yury (Barnaul). The Jewish Family in Siberia in the Second Half of 19th – early 20th century: Demographic Features

Shkurko Emma (Ufa). Jewish Families outside the Pale: the Dynamics of the Traditional way of life

Zelenina Galina (Moscow). «My childhood ended and the war began»: Generational and Gender Relations in Soviet Jews' Memories of the War and Post-War Era

Kantserova Iraida (Ulyanovsk). Contemporary Jewish Family in the Central Volga Region

Avgustevich Semyon (Moscow). National Tradition of Upbringing and Relationship in Jewish Family (Based on magazine Roots materials)

Kovaleva Daria (Moscow). On the Nature of Jewish Women’s Presence in the Ottoman Royal Palace

Sobolevskaja Olga (Grodno). «Women’s Theme» in Polish-Jewish weekly Izraelita (1866–1912)

Fedotyev Dmitry (St.Petersburg). The Women’s Role in Jewish Merchant Milieu in Petersburg: Second Half of 19th – early 20th Centuries


¹ 4,

2 floor


The State of Israel: Ideology and Foreign Policy

Chairperson: Vladimir (Zeev) Khanin

Krylov Alexander (Moscow). The Possible Scenarios for the Development of the Political Situation on the Palestinian-Israeli Track in the Short Term Perspective

Masyukova Irena (Moscow). Soviet–Israeli Relations in 1940–1960ies (Problem of Jewish Immigration)

Ryzhov Igor (Nizhny Novgorod). Features of a Policy of the State of Israel Concerning the Central-Asian States during the Post-Soviet Period

Khanin Vladimir (Zeev) (Jerusalem). Russian, American and Israeli Models of the Contemporary Neo-Zionism

Baulina Irena (Moscow). The Future of East Jerusalem in the Context of the Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

Yakimova Elisaveta (Nizhny Novgorod). Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the State of Israel: Economic, Political, Diplomatic Activities


¹ 8,

2 floor


Jewish Literature. Literary Contacts

Chairperson: Leonid Katsis

Dvorkin Ilya (Jerusalem). On the Literary Form of Medieval Jewish Philosophical Texts

Parizhsky Simon (St.Petersburg). Functional Interplay between Poetry and Prose in Hebrew Maqama

Lipkin Michail (Moscow). Thesaurus of Zhabotinsky’s Early Articles (1897–1903)

Orlitsky Yury (Moscow). Verse of V. Zhabotinsky’ Russian translations (Ch.-N. Byalik)

Katsis Leonid (Moscow). «Talmudic» Poem by Leo Gomulitsky

Boyeva Galina (St.Petersburg). Once Again about Leonid Andreev's Position on “Jewish Problem”

Synylo Galina (Minsk). Jewish Theme in Johannes Bobrovsky’s Works

Kolesnyk Alla (Drogobych). Jewish Theme in Ukrainian Writer Ivan Franko’s Works

Obuchowa-Zielinska Irena (Warszawa). Vladimir Azov: Petrograd – Berlin – Paris

Umanovskaya Gita (Riga). Jews in Latvian Entertainment Texts of Late 19th – early 20th Centuries

¹ 9,

2 floor


European Jewry in Modern Times

Chairperson: Andrey Shpirt

Zherebtsova Larissa (Dnepropetrovsk). The Role of Avraham and Mikhel’ Ezofovich in the Custom System Formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Shadlovskaya Victoria (St.Petersburg). A Court Jew Phenomenon Formation in the 16th and 17th centuries in Central Europe

Shpirt Andrey (Moscow). The Ideals and Practice of the Jewish-Christian Relations in the Eastern Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the mid-18th Century

Sorkina Inna (Grodno). Jews and the Owners of shtetles: the Practice of Relationship (18th19 th centuries)

Ryzheva Nadezhda (Nikolaev). The Jewish Quotient in the Development of a Sailing Ship-Building in Southern Ukraine in the 19th  century

Schuka Olga (Grodno). Conservative-Clerical Trend in Jewish Social-Political Movement in Western Byelarus (1926–1939):
Ideology, Forms and Methods of Activities

departure by bus


The Holocaust on the USSR territories

Chairpersons: Ilya Altman, Arkady Zeltser


Center «Holocaust»


Altman Ilya (Moscow). The Red Army and the Holocaust

Alekseyev Dmitry (Moscow). E.A. Ivanova’s Diaries as a Source for the History of the Holocaust in the Bryansk and Smolensk Regions

Tyorushkin Leonid (Moscow). Letters, Diaries and Photographs of Soviet Jews Pertaining to WWII Period (based on new materials at the Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Center, Russian archives and museums)


Visit to the Archive and Library of the Holocaust Center


3 floor,



Lunch for the conference participants

15:00–18:00 sessions (simultaneously)

¹ 4,

2 floor


Jewish Theatre. Jewish Theme in Theatre

Chairpersons: Ada Kolganova, Galina Eliasberg

Bondar Konstantin (Kharkov). The Story of Esther at the Moscow Court (“Ahasuerus Play”)

Eliasberg Galina (Moscow). National Drama in the Context of D. Pinsky’ Work

Lapina Irena (St.Petersburg). To a New World! The Ethnic and Social Structure of Petrograd Proletcult Studios Participants. 1918–1920

Vasilyeva Elina (Daugavpils). Mikhoels in Memoirs: A. Shteinberg – H. Vovsi

Ulitsky Efim (Moscow). Jews and Theatre in Moscow

Kolganova Ada (Moscow). Presentation of the Russian State Library for Arts Publications: "The National Theatre in the context of Multinational Culture", Based on the Materials of the International Mikhoels Readings (1998–2011)


¹ 5,

2 floor


Jewish Genealogy

Chairperson: Anatoly Worobyev

Blanutsa Andrey (Kiev). Lithuanian Metrica as a Source for Biographic Researches of Jewry of the Great Duchy of Lithuania

Paley Vladimir (Moscow). Overview of Sources for Jewish Genealogy in State and Public Archives of the former Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary and their Successors

Khayesh Anatoly (St.Petersburg). Genealogic Data on the Petersburg Jews at the Department of General Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs

Shumkov Andrey (St.Petersburg). Polyakovs: Some Questions on Genealogy and Class Status

Bogynsky Alexander (Solnechnogorsk). History of Goldenweiser Family: 19th – 20th Centuries

Dronov Dmitry (Moscow). History of the Jewish Cemetery in Moscow

Worobyev Anatoly (Moscow). Marriage Policy of Hassidic Houses

Abramyan Rafael (Moscow). Legends about the Jewish Origins of the Armenian Nobility (Bagratuni, Gntuni, Amatuni) (text available)



2 floor


Jewish Music

Chairperson: Evgenia Khazdan

Khalevo Tatiana (Minsk). Judeo-Baroque: Musical Ceremony for Hoshana Rabbah in Casale Monferrato 1732–1735

Tavor Yossie (Jerusalem). Richard Wagner and the Absence of His Music Performance in Israel

Khazdan Evgenia (St.Petersburg). The Metamorphosis of a Melody

Kolesnik Larissa (Dnepropetrovsk). Activity of Composers and Musicians of Jewish Origin in Ukrainian Musical Culture

Gusak Raisa (Kiev). Modern Studeis on Klezmer Music in Ukraine

Smirnova Tamara (St.Petersburg). Mark Fradkin in Belorussian House of Enlightment in Leningrad



2 floor


Jews and Jewish Question: Sources and Historiography

Chairperson: Dmitry Shevelyov

Tchebotaryov Alexey (Kharkov). The Jewish Question in the Socio-Political Discourse and Activities of the St. Petersburg circle of Ukrainophiles

Shapovalov Michail (Omsk). The Jewish Question in the British Parliament in 19001914

Sydortchuk Taysia (Kiev). Majer Bałaban as the Author of the Historical Essays in Chwila (19191939)

Smolskyi Igor (Lviv). Sources on the History of Zionism in Galicia at the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Lviv

Dvorkin Igor (Kharkov). Ukrainian Jewry of the 19th century in Contemporary General Works on the History of Ukraine

Shevelyov Dmitry (Minsk). Documents about Saul Borovoy from Vladimir Picheta’s Personal Records in the Archives of Russian Academy of Sciences



2 floor


Jewish Arts

Chairperson: Igor Dukhan

Kotlyar Eugeny (Kharkov). Sacred Utensils of the Jerusalem Temple in Paintings of Eastern European Synagogues

Pinchevskaya Bogdana (Kiev). Jewish Motifs in the Works of Secular Artists: Unknown Collection of Drawings by Sasha Blonder and Bertha Grunberg

Dukhan Igor (Minsk). Leon Bakst (Lev Rosenberg) and Neo-Classical Tendencies of 19th – early 20th Centuries

Voloshina Tatiana (Kiev). Sholem Aleichem and Marc Chagall: Two Aspects of Reflection of the shtetl world. Musical Coordinates of an Artistic Vision

Zemtsova Irena (St.Petersburg). The Influence of Percentage Quota on the Quantity of Jewish Students at the Academy of Fine Arts

Lembritsky Alon (Moscow). Bible Stories in the Animated Movie

Vavrenyuk Irena (Brest). Preserved Architectural Heritage of the Brest Jewry (text available)


¹ 3–4

2 floor


Plenary session

Chairpersons: Victoria Mochalova, Dmitry Elyashevich

Aslanov Cyril (Jerusalem). French Jewry: A Third Way?

Prof. Eugene Weiner’s Fellowships Award

Sessions Chairpersons’ Summing-ups.

Conference Closure




Departure of the participants



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