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News and Events


Field School – Expedition on Jewish Ethnography and Epigraphy in Tula

Field School – Expedition on Jewish Ethnography and Epigraphy in Tula will take place in August, 16 – 24. The school is organized by “Sefer” Center in collaboration with Center for Slavic-Judaic Studies (RAS) with the financial support by Genesis Philanthropy Group, Russian Jewish Congress and Claims Conference.

The main goals of our expedition are as follows: research in history and traditional culture of the Jewish population in central Russia, collecting the video and audio interview on oral history, folklore and traditional culture, study of commemorative practices, structure and organization of Jewish community.

We invite those researchers who already have experience in field research (anthropology, ethnography, folklore studies, oral history, epigraphy) to take part in the expedition. You also will have to use your own equipment (voice recorders, cameras, laptops).

Application deadline is July, 15. 

Working language of the field school is Russian.


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