e.g: Grant



New Book "Neighborhood Lost: Jews in the Cultural Memory of Contemporary Latgale"

We are glad to anounce that new collective volume "Neighborhood Lost: Jews in the Cultural Memory of Contemporary Latgale", Part II is published by "Sefer" Center together with the Institue of Slavic Studiead of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Museum "Jews in Latvia". This collective volume contines the Latgale series of publications by our center. 
The materials included into the book are about Jewish ethnography, history and epigraphics. They were collected during the expeditions in 2012-2015 that took place both in Latgale (Daugavpils, Kraslava, Rezekne, Ludza etc.) and in Israel, where the participants took interviews from the former inhabitans of this region. 
The presentation of this book took place in Ludza on August, 20th. 
The book is available on our website.

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