e.g: Grant



21th Annual International Conference on Jewish Studies program


Центр научных работников и преподавателей иудаики в вузах “СЭФЕР” (Москва)

Moscow Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization “SEFER”

Россия, 119334 Москва В-334, Ленинский проспект, 32-а, корпус “В”, к.808-809

тел/факс: (+7 495) 938-00-70



Annual International Conference on Jewish Studies

Moscow, February, 3–5, 2014

Hotel “Cosmos”

Sponsored by

Information support



February, 3d, Monday





“Saturn” hall

Opening ceremony.

1st Plenary Session

Chairpersons: Victoria Mochalova, Mikhail Chlenov

Rosman Moshe (Ramat Gan)How Jewish is Jewish History?


100th Anniversary of the AJJDC (Joint)

Chairperson: Michael Beizer

Weiner Anita (Haifa). Renewal. Reconnecting Soviet Jewry to the Jewish People. A Decade of JDC activities in the former Soviet Union 1988–1998 (video)

Beizer Michael (Jerusalem). Difficulties of “Long Distance Management” in the Joint's History: Cases of the USSR and Russia

Mitsel Michael (New York). Tragic Final: The Great Terror in the USSR and the Liquidation of Agro-Joint (1937–1938)

Porath Jonathan (Jerusalem). Fulfilling the JDC Mission in the Former Soviet Union: a Lifetime of Personal Reflections


“Kalinka” restaurant



“Saturn” hall

Prof. Eugene Weiner’s Fellowships Award


Presentations of the new publications and programs in Jewish Studies


“Venus” hall

Jews in Soviet, Anti-Soviet and Post-Soviet Contexts: the Questions of Identity

Chairperson: Galina Zelenina

Panich Svetlana (Moscow). Jewish Issues in the Discourse of Russian Émigrés of 1930–1940th

Vareikis Vygantas (Klaipeda). Changes of Jewish Identity in Lithuania: the Life of Rudols Valsonok

Klyueva Vera (Tyumen). “Certainly I was Jew, but I was the Soviet Jew”: Soviet and Jewish in memory of eyewitnesses

Zelenina Galina(Moscow). “I Have a Hobby: I Collect Jews”. Leisure and Hobbies of Soviet Jews.

Pisarevskaya Dina (Moscow). Social Practices in Contemporary Jewish Youth Organization

Makarova Maria (Warsaw). “People from Birobidzhan are completely different”: the Maintenance of the Birobidzhan's Identity among the Immigrants from the Jewish Autonomous Region in Israel (based on field researches in 2012–2013)

Shkurko Emma (Ufa). А Few Aspects of the Exposure of Jewish History and Culture in Multinational Bashkortostan (the case of Ufa)

Barkusskiy Ilya (Moscow). The Meaning of Schneerson Library for Contemporary Russian Jewry


“Pluto” hall

Jews and Surrounding Nations

Chairpersons: Maxim Khizhy, Victoria Gerasimova

Shpirt Andrey (Moscow). Violence Conversion of Jews during B. Khmelnicki’s Uprising

Victoria Gerasimova (Moscow). Converted Jews in the Tsarist Empire as a Subject of Research: Sources, Challenges, Perspectives

Krivosheya Igor, Kulyk Irina (Uman). Baptized Jews among Polish Gentry of Right Bank Ukraine (late 18th – early 19th century)

Khizhaya Tatyana(Vladimir). The Portrayals of the Russian Subbotniks of the 19th Century: an Attempt of Reconstruction

Lockshin Alexander(Moscow). Russian Jewry and the Problem of Baptizing in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries

Zapromyotova Olga (Moscow). The Heritage of Judaism in the Ethiopian Culture and Its Influence of the Contemporary African Christianity

Lobovskaya Margarita (Moscow). Russian Germans and the Jews

Ivanov Alexander (Saint-Petersburg). Jewish Autonomous Region as a Cohabited Space of the “Fraternal Soviet Peoples”

Khizhy Maxim (Vladimir). Canonization of Nicolas II and his family: the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church against anti-Semitism of the radical right-wingers


“Mercury” hall

Jewish Languages: Linguistics and Intellectual History

Chairpersons: Alexandra Polyan, Larissa Shor

Rets Yulia (Saint-Petersburg). “The war of languages”: the Dispute between the “Yiddishists” and “Hebraists” about the Future of the Jewish Society in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries

Tserkovskaya Ksenia (Moscow). Lexical Policy of the Hebrew Language Committee: Theory and Practice of Introducing Neologisms

Mumanenko Taras (Moscow). The Peculiarities of Yiddish’s Functions in Jewish Autonomous Region (1928–2013)

Koloda Svetlana (Gorlovka). A Collection of Books in Semitic Languages in V.A. Razumov Museum of Miniature Books

Polyan Alexandra (Moscow). Language of the Poetry of the Haskala in Eastern Europe

Shner Yulia (Moscow). Phonetical Approach to Practical Morphology of the Hebrew Language

Kirianov Denis, Luchina Elena, Panova Tatyna (Moscow). The Corpus of Modern Yiddish: Theory and Practice

Shor Larissa (Moscow). Hebrew Study-Books for High Schools

Barysevich Elena (Minsk), Bruk Amnon (Redmond). On Teaching the Grammar Topic “The Hebrew Definite Article” in a Russian Speaking Class


“Saturn” hall

Jewish Culture. Intellectual and Historical Aspects.

Chairpersons: Igor Turov, Ruvin Ferber

Schweigmann-Greve Kay (Hannover). The National Poetic Resurrection of the Jewish Religion – Chaim Zhitlowsky’s Concept of Jewish Nation-Building

Revich Ilya (Khabarovsk). Ethos of Creativity in Jewish Tradition: Social and Existential Aspects

Polonskiy Pinhas (Beit El). The Concept of Three Stages of the Messianic Process and Its Application to Understanding the Development of the State of Israel Today

Fishbane Simcha (New York). The Ritual of Havdala

Ferber Ruvin (Riga). “Lights of Myth” in Contemporary Judaica and Scientific Theories

Shevelyov Dmitry (Minsk). Orientalism and Jewish History: One Trend in Contemporary Western Historiography

Stepanishchev Sergey (Moscow). Worship of Harpocratus: History of Harpo’ Idolization by Marx


Galaxy 3

History of East European Jewry

Chairpersons: Simon Goldin, Shaul Stampfer

Kizilov Mikhail (Tuebingen). Ascanaci gentes Goticae. A New Theory about the Meaning and Etymology of the Medieval Jewish Term “Ashkenaz”

Stampfer Shaul (Jerusalem). The Jews of Vilno in 1764

Shugiero Marzena (Warsaw). Hairbands, Sheytlekh and Shaven Heads. Cultural Praxis, ‘Reform’ Projects and Collective Imaginary

Moskalets Vladislava (Lvov). The Backwardness / Innovativeness of Jewish Economy: the Case of Oil Industry in Galicia in the End of the 19th century

Klish Andrey (Ternopol). The Jewish Question in the Ideology and Political Activity of the Polish Clerical Parties in Galicia (the end of 19th – beginning of 20th century)

Chebotaryov Alexey (Lvov). Expecting of Pogroms: Anti-Jewish Violence 1881–1882 in the Socio-Political Thought of Eastern Galicia

Lyubchenko Vladimir (Kiev). Problem Solving Scenario of the “Jewish Question” in the Memorandum and Note of Local Russophiles Submitted to the Russian Occupation Administration in Eastern Galicia and Bukovina during the First World War

Imilovska Alexandra (Wroclaw). Activity of the Jewish Help Committee in Lvov (1918–1919)


Galaxy 3

Meeting of the Commission: selection of candidates for the Eshnav program




February, 4th, Tuesday


Galaxy 1

100th Anniversary of the Joint

Chairperson: Michael Beizer

Lifshits Yuli (Kiev). Joint and Jewish Charity in Ukraine during the First Years of Soviet Authorities (1920–1923)

Kondratyuk Grigoriy (Simferopol). Activities of AJJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) and Agro-AJJDC in the context of national policy in the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1920–1929

Suchkova Elena (Donetsk). Assistance of «Agro-Joint» to Jewish Agricultural Colonization in Ukraine

Kondratyuk Galina (Simferopol). Activities of AJJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) on providing humanitarian and medical aid to the Jewish population of the Crimea in 1920–1923


Galaxy 2

Jewish Art. Architecture and Visual Arts

Chairpersons: Igor Dukhan, Ilya Rodov

Lortkipanidze Guram (Tbilisi). Synagogue in the II–IV Centuries. Mtskheta (text is available)

Rodov Ilya (Jerusalem). The Box-Like Bimot in Medieval Ashkenazic Synagogues

Mahnach Eugeny (Grodno). The Architecture of Grodno's Stone Synagogues on Old Plans, Photographs and Archival Documents (text is available)

Dukhan Igor (Minsk). Leon Bakst: Neoclassisim, Oriental Motives and Jewish Context

Dymshits Valery (Saint-Petersburg). Eliezer Lisitskiy – the Jewish Artist

Epstein Alek (Jerusalem). Jewish Artists and Their Worshippers and Patrons in France during the First World War and after Its Ending (text is available)

Pinchevska Bogdana (Kiev). Similarities and Divergences in the Concepts of Jewish Art in the Lvov and Kiev of the 1920s

Levner Dmitry (Moscow). Jewish Images in Arabic Art from the Mid-Twentieth to the Early 21st Centuries


Galaxy 3

The State of Israel. History and Modernity. Foreign Policy and International Relations

Chairpersons: Tatyana Karasova, Zeev Khanin

Shapovalov Mikhail (Omsk). The Jewish Question in the British Parliament in 1900–1939

Semenchenko Nina (Moscow). The Question of Reestablishment of Diplomatic Relations between USSR and Israel in 1970s in Newly Opened Israeli Archive Documents

Khlebnikova Luisa(Moscow). The Change of Israel Vector in American Foreign Police (1948–1963)

Karasova Tatyana (Moscow). The Beginning of Israel Nuclear Program and USA’s Attitude

Nosenko Tatyana (Moscow). The Arab-Israeli War in 1973 in the Light of New Publications and Archive Documents

Usova Ekaterina (Moscow).The Yom Kippur War and its Impact on Israel’s Position in the Regional and Global International System

Mesamed Vladimir (Jerusalem). The Central Asian Trend of the Foreign Policy of the State of Israel

Yakimova Elizaveta(Nizhny Novgorod). Peculiarities of Work of Israeli Diplomatic Missions abroad in 2009–2013

Bely Eduard(Moscow). Israel-Central America: Longstanding Relations and the New Times

Boguslavski Elisey (Moscow). Arms Export and Military Cooperation As a Key Instrument of the Israeli Foreign Policy


Galaxy 4

History of East European Jewry

Chairperson: Simon Goldin, Shaul Stampfer

Goldin Simon (Jerusalem). The Image of a Jew in Textual and Visual Discourses in Russia and Poland: Problem Statement

Markowski Artur (Warsaw). Photographic Narrations about Bialystok Pogrom in 1906

Gontarek Alicja (Lublin). On the Road to Modernization. Orthodox Youth Movement in Poland in the Light of the Analysis of the Ministry’s of Internal Affairs Documents (1928–1935)

Jokubauskas Vitautas (Klaipeda). Military Personnel of Jewish Extraction in the Lithuanian Army in the Interwar Period

Mitina Ekaterina (Moscow). Jewish Immigration from Czech Lands to Palestine: the Problem of Sources and Historiography

Lensky Ilya (Riga). Adventerous Tour: Leonid Utjosov in Latvia, 1927

Romantsov Roman (Lublin). Jewish Schools with Polish As a Teaching Language in Lvov (1919–1939)


“Pluto” hall

Non-Ashkenazic Jewish Communities

Chairpersons: Maxim Gammal, Mark Kupovetskiy

Tereshchuk Natalia (Sevastopol). The Participation of Karaites in Municipal Administration of Sevastopol in the 19th and the Early 20th Centuries

Gammal Maxim (Moscow). “Pinat Ikrat” by Isaak ben Solomon and Its Place in Traditional Education System

Zarubin Vyacheslav (Simferopol). Karaites – Victims of the Red Terror during the Civil War in the Crimea

Prokhorov Dmitry (Simferopol). Documents for the Biography of Seraya Shapshal in the State Archive of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Emelyanenko Tatyana (Saint-Petersburg). The Ritual of the Mourning in the Funeral Cycle of Bukharan Jews

Prishchepova Valeriya (Saint-Petersburg). Historical Photos of Traditional Bukhar Jews’ Culture by T. Rozovskiy (from Kunstkamera collection)

Koseikova Hana (Prague). Some Aspects of Current Culture Immigrants from Caucasus in Israel (by material of expedition in 2013)


Galaxy 1

Biblical Studies

Chairpersons: Sergey Tishchenko, Alexey Lyavdansky

Lyavdansky Alexey (Moscow). The Priestly Oracle: from Legomena to Dromena.

Seleznyov Mikhail (Moscow). “Anti-anthropomorphisms” in Greek Translation of the Bible

Smorgunova Elena (Moscow). The Comparison of Two New Translations of Bible Prophets’ Texts – М., 2012: М., 2013

Tishchenko Sergey (Moscow). Exodus 30:11–16 as a Part of ”Theocratic Edition” of Priestly Literature in the Pentateuch

Schwartz Suzana (Sao Paulo). The Patriarchal Cycle and The Meaning of Sterility (text is available)


“Kalinka” restaurant



Galaxy 1

Biblical Studies

Chairpersons: Sergey Tishchenko, Alexey Lyavdansky

Khamray Alexey (Kiev). The Marking of Hebrew Manuscripts in Vernadsky Library in Kiev

Dreyer Leonid (Moscow). Influence of the Biblical Texts on Herod’s Temple Composition

Zezyulina Yulia (Minsk). Sapiential Works in the Qumran Library: Typological and Specific Traits.

Ashkinazi Leonid (Moscow). Twelve – Avney Hoshen

Lifshits Alexandr (Moscow). Some Notes on Wordplay in 2 Kings 3 & 4

Griger Maxim (Kazan). The Synesius’s Letter to His Brother or Voyage with Jews in 404 AD

Karanaev Mikhail (Kazan). Bacchides – Conqueror of Judea: Once Again to the Problem of Suppression of the Maccabean Revolt in 162–157 BC.


Galaxy 2

Sacred Texts and Religious Tradition

Chairperson: Reuven Kiperwasser

Kiperwasser Reuven (Jerusalem). Narrative Strategies and Cultural Hybrides

Gershovich Uri (Moscow). Interpretation of Gen 2 in Jewish Medieval Philosophical Exegesis

Сhevela Olga (Kazan). Myth and Allegory in the Structure of Sacred Text

Vogman Mikhail (Moscow). Menippea, Aretalogy, Scholia: Talmudic Aggada on the map of Late Antique literary Genres

Oleshkevich Ekaterina (Moscow). The Image of R. Shimon b. Yochai through the Prism of the Genres in the Babylonian Talmud

Parizhskiy Simon (Moscow). Symbolism of the Temple in Medieval Jewish Poetry

Bimbat Leonid (Moscow). The Blasts of Shofar: Structural Approach to Rosh ha-Shanah Texts and Rituals

Fedotova Elena (Moscow). The Interpretation Method Developed by A. Kovelman and U. Gershovich in Application to the Bible


Galaxy 3

The State of Israel. History and Modernity. Economics, Politics and Society

Chairpersons: Tatyana Karasova, Zeev Khanin

Baulina Irina (Moscow). State and Region after Electoral turn in Israel (1977–1992)

Khanin Zeev (Jerusalem). Perspectives of Development of Political System and Community-Sectoral Policy in Israel in the Light of Municipal Campaign of 2013

Marysis Dmitry (Moscow). Innovation Economy of Israel: Main Problems and Possible Solutions.

Ben Yakov Haim (Tel Aviv). The Law of Return and the Citizenship of Israel: the Dialogue between the Jewish State and the Jewish Communities in the FSU

Tartakovsky Eugeny (Tel Aviv). Female Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence: A Comparison between Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel and Israeli-Born Women

Deryabkina Lyubov (Krasnodar). Gender Studies in Israel. Analysis of Participation of the Russian-Speaking Community in the Feminist Movement.

Stepanyants Anastasia (Moscow). Medical Tourism in Israel: Highlights, Challenges and Outlooks


Galaxy 4

Round Table: 20th Anniversary of Sefer

Chairpersons: Victoria Mochalova, Mikhail Chlenov

Porath Jonathan (Jerusalem). Twenty Years of Sefer as “Pardes”: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Nosenko-Shtein Elena (Moscow). Jewish Higher Education in Russia: Its Problems and Perspectives on the Turn of the 20th – 21st Centuries

Zakharchenko Alla (Odessa). Israel and Jewish Studies in Odessa (the case of Odessa Mechnikov National University): Achievements and Prospects.

Participants: Cyril Aslanov, Simon Goldin, Ilya Dvorkin, Valery Dymshits, Leonid Katsis, Irina Kopchenova, Mark Kupovetskiy, Alexandr Lokshin, Arkady Kovelman, Victoriya Mochalova, Ruvin Ferber, Semyon Charny, Mikhail Chlenov, Anna Shayevich, Shaul Stampfer, Dmitry Elyashevich


“Pluto” hall

Non-Ashkenazic Jewish Communities

Chairpersons: Maxim Gammal, Mark Kupovetskiy

Rashkovskiy Boris (Moscow). Derbent / Bab al-Abwab in Medieval Jewish Literature

Kupovetskiy Mark (Moscow). Migration Links of the Jews from Caucasus, Persia, Central Asia in the 17th – 18th Centuries

Aslanov Cyril (Jerusalem). Some Phonetic Peculiarities of the Jewish-Georgian Dialect: What Do They Mean Regarding the Origin of Georgian Jews?

Shapira Dan (Ramat Gan). Judeo-Tat in the Pre-Soviet and Early Soviet Periods (text is available)

Kashovskaya Natalia (Saint-Petersburg). Experience of Cataloging of Jewish Sepulchral Objects of South Dagestan

Semyonov Igor (Makhachkala). Structure of the Mountain-Jewish Demonology and Its Monotheistic Context

Victorin Victor (Astrakhan). Ghejdoho Monster and Snakelet Presented in the Concepts of Mountineer Jews – “Joughours” and Other Tat Ethnolinguistic Groups: Again on the Iranian Origin

Murzakhanov Yuri (Nalchik). Family Life of Mountain Jews of Kabardino-Balkaria: Traditions and Innovations

Mikhailova Irina (Derbent). “What are the houses keeping silent about”. About Some Jewish Houses in Derbent and Their Landlords

Mikdash-Shamailova Liya (Jerusalem). Analysis of the book “F. Shapiro and Mountain Jews”


departure for the concert


“Zavtra” Club (ul. Sretenka, 26/1, metro Sukharevskaya)

Project Eshkolot in partnership with Sefer Center and Polish Cultural Center


Polka żydowska: Hasidim and Musicians of Lublin Province

Chairperson: Simon Parizhsky

February, 5th, Wednesday


Galaxy 1

Jewish Literature, Jewish Theme, Literary and Cultural Connections

Chairperson: Leonid Katsis

Eliasberg Galina(Moscow). On the Question of the Beginning of the Russian-Jewish Playwriting: the Plays of Leon Mandelstam, H. Goldenberg and O. Notovitch

Orlitsky Yuri (Moscow). Z. Jabotinsky – the Master of Lyrical and Dramatic Poem (text is available)

Valdman Batya (Beer-Sheva). Poet and Pharmacist Isidor Tager

Nesterenko Maria (Moscow). “Pride. In imitation of Tsar David” by Anna Bunina in the Context of Psalms Versification

Bar-Sella Zeev (Jerusalem). Isaak Babel and “Revolution from above”

Katsis Leonid (Moscow). Lyutov in Babel's “Konarmia” and Lyutov in Gorky's “Life of Klim Samgim”

Boeva Galina (Saint-Petersburg). Leonid Andreev and Jewish Writers D.Ya. Ayzman and A.A. Kipen: Artistic Connections

Lempertene Larisa (Vilnius). “Vilnius for Us – It’s Not a City, It’s an Idea” (text is available)


Galaxy 2

History of Jewish Thought

Chairpersons: Eugeny Rashkovskiy, Ilya Dvorkin

Turov Igor (Kiev). Early Hassidism: the Mystics and Reality of This World

Dvorkin Ilya (Jerusalem). Locus of Aristotle and Kant in Jewish Philosophy

Malakhova Ekaterina (Kiev). Spinoza in Rabbinic Sources from the 18th – Beginning of 19th Centuries

Rashkovskiy Eugeny (Moscow). Shlomo Avineri: Concerning the History of Marxism

Portnova Nelli (Jerusalem). A.Z. Shteinberg “Russian Tribe of Israel” and History of the 20th Century (text is available)


Galaxy 4

History of Jews in the USSR

Chairperson: Alexander Lokshin

Gusev Victor (Kiev). The Bund and the Russian Social Democracy: Relationship Problems (Allies or Rivals?): the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries

Lokshin Alexander (Moscow). Katsnelson's Diary – New Source on Soviet Jews' History

Borisov Dmitry (Simferopol). Joseph Trumpeldor and Jewish emigration from the Crimea in July – September 1919

Rabinovich Vladmir (Irkutsk). Soviet Government in the Search of National Politics (Jews in Eastern Siberia, 1920s)

Gurevich Valery (Birobidjan). Chronicles of Administrative and Territorial Arrangement of Jewish Autonomy on the Far East in the 20th Century

Meshkovaya Svetlana (Kharkov). Jews of Soviet Ukraine as an Object of Micro-History (1921–1931) (text is available)

Barkan Karina (Riga). Leaders of Jewish Religious Communities and the State Power in Latvian USSR (1944–1964)

Nekrasova Alesya (Saint-Petersburg). The Zionist Process in Apsheronsk (Krasnodar District) in June 1968


“Mercury” hall

History of Jews in the Russian Empire

Chairperson: Dmitry Elyashevich

Sobolevskaya Olga (Grodno). “Shelter Honest Smugglers”: Jews of Belarusian Provinces in the Illegal Movement of Goods across the Border (the end of 18th – early 20th century) (text is available)

Norkina Ekaterina (Saint-Petersburg). A.M. Dondukov-Korsakov and the Jewish Question in the Russian Empire

Bezarov Alexander (Chernovtsy). Jewish Pogroms of 1881–1882 in the Russian Empire and the Crisis of Revolutionary Narodnik Movement

Shaydurov Vladimir (Saint-Petersburg). The Participation of Jews in the Gold Trading on the Urals and Siberia in the First Quarter of 19th Century

Moskalenko Larissa (Kiev). Social and Legal Status of Rabbi of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union: a Historical Sketch (1804–1930)

Nam Iraida (Tomsk). Jews in Siberia in the Early 20th Century: Ways and Forms of Reproduction and Construction of Cultural and Political Identity

Shchukin Vladimir (Nikolaev). Health and Medical Care in Jewish Agricultural Colonies of Kherson Gubernia (19th – Early 20th centuries)

Vinnitsa Gennady (Nagariya). Jewish Charity in the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries in the Country Town of Orsha, Mogilev Province (text is available)


“Pluto” hall

Jews and Surrounding Nations.

Chairpersons: Maxim Khizhy, Victoria Gerasimova

Charny Semyon (Moscow). Muslim anti-Semitism in the Former Soviet Space: Reality and Virtuality

Ryndyuk Natalia (Kiev). The Images of “Alien” in Hassidic Tales about Baal Shem Tov

Polonskaya Alina (Moscow). Beautiful Dead Jewess Without Eyes: European and Jewish Love-story of a King and a Jewess

Kuznetsova Ekaterina (Moscow). Between the Philo- and Anti-Semitism: “The Jewish Question” in Polish Publicism and Literature in 1880s

Shnirelman Victor (Moscow). Esoterica and Jews: the Images of the “Other”

Umanovskaya Gita (Riga). Tabloid press: Jews in “Za kulisami Rigi”

Melnik Dmitry (Moscow). Second Temple Judaism and the Origins of Christianity in the Soviets Historiography of 1920–1930s

Dvorkin Igor (Kharkov). Ukranian-Jewish Relations in Poly-Ethnical Paradigm of Ukraine’s History


Galaxy 2

Jewish Art. Music and Cinema.

Chairperson: Eugenia Khazdan

Khazdan Eugenia (Saint-Petersburg). “Everything is Connected to Music”: Correspondence of D. Magid and D. Shor

Gusak Raisa (Kiev). Podolye's Klezmers' Traditions

Dvuzhilnaya Inessa (Grodno). The Memory of Babiy Yar in the Sounds of Music

Pahomova Svetlana (Moscow). “Fill the Void”: Religion on the Both Sides of Movie Camera

Piotrowska Anna (Krakov). The Role of Jewish Composers in Early Film Music Industry (text is available)


“Kalinka” restaurant



Galaxy 1

Jewish Literature, Jewish Theme, Literary and Cultural Connections

Chairperson: Leonid Katsis

Sinilo Galina (Minsk). The Image of Jerusalem in Later Works of E. Lasker-Schueler (text is available)

Pfandl Heindrich (Gratz). If Julya Rabinowich Was Olga Petrova. The Jewish Element in the Writings of Yulia Rabinovich

Yakimenko Lyudmila (Lugansk). Jewish Theme in Memoires and Publicism by N. Suvorovtseva: Sketch “Tsadik from Bratzlav”

Vasilyeva Elina (Daugavpils). Berdichev as a Text: F. Gorenstein’s Writing (text is available)

Kudryavskaya Inara (Daugavpils). Toponyms in Grigoriy Kanovich’s Writing (text is available)


Galaxy 2

Jewish Fates – 20th Century

Chairperson: Elena Genina

Kelner Victor (Saint-Petersburg). The Jewish Legion: Myth and Reality

Kalmina Lilia (Ulan-Ude). Moseses in the History of Siberia

Smirnova Tamara (Saint-Petersburg). Jewish Students from Belarus during the Campaign against Cosmopolitism

Lapina Irina (Saint-Petersburg). Socialization of Science: Jews in Komakademia of The Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union

Genina Elena (Kemerovo). A.E. Abramovich-Chetuev: the Destiny of the Tomsk Higher School Representative during the Campaign against


Zvyagin Sergey (Kemerovo). Irkutsk Attorney at Law L.S. Shapiro in the First Third of 20th Century (text is available)


Galaxy 4

The Holocaust: History, Memory, Sources

Chairpersons: Arkady Zeltser

Zeltser Arkady (Jerusalem). The Holocaust in the Eyes of Soviet Non-Jewish Partisans

Medvedovskaya Anna (Dnepropetrovsk). Personality of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptitsky in the Holocaust Related Public Debates in Ukraine

Susak Anna (Lvov). Contemporary Ukrainian Society and the Memory about the Holocaust: Sociological Data

Shaldova Victoria (Riga). Historical Memory about the Holocaust and Ideas about Jewish-Latvian Relations and History of Formet Ghettos and Exterminations Places’ Habitants

Vitkus Hektoras (Klaipeda). Holocaust As a Factor in Politics of Memory: the New Problems of Perception of the Holocaust in Contemporary Lithuania

Abakunova Anna (Dnepropetrovsk). The Jewish and Roma Memory about the Holocaust on the Territory of Transnistria: Comprehending Reasons of Deportations

Terushkin Leonid (Moscow). Search, Study, Using Letters, Diaries and Memoirs of the Holocaust and the World War II Period

Lazar Natalia (Worcester). The Anti-Jewish Violence in a Borderland city: Czernowitz in Summer 1941 (text is available)

Shpagin Sergey (Rostov-on-Don). Victims of Nazism in the Context of the Holocaust: Jehovah's Witnesses (text is available)

Winkler Cristina (Leichester). Joint Quest for Justice: Western German and Soviet Cooperation in the Judicial Aftermath of the Holocaust (text is available)

Tcherkasski Alexandra (Dortmund). Soviet Position towards the Holocaust abroad on the Example of the Cooperation between the Soviet Delegations and Museum – Memorial of the Unknown Jewish Martyr and CDJC in Paris (text is available)


“Mercury” hall

Archives and Museums: the Problems of Sources and Representation

Chairperson: Efim Melamed

Vitrinskaya Elena (Poltava). The Secularization of Property of Jewish Communities in Kharkov in the 1920s

Khaesh Anatoly (Saint-Petersburg). Family Ties of the Jewish Refugees of World War I with the Citizens of Petrograd

Batanova Tatyana (Zhitomir). Yiddish Press as a Source to the Research of the Activity of Jewish Political Parties in the Ukrainian Central Rada (1917–1918)

Karpekin Konstantin (Vitebsk). Documents on the Jewish Genealogy of 1920th in the State Archive of Vitebsk Area

Melamed Efim (Kiev). On the Steps of “Kultur-Liga” Archive

Shihova Irina (Kishinev). Jewish Museum As a Center of Attraction for Information

Ulitskiy Efim (Moscow). Historical-Documentary Exhibitions of Creative Union “Jewish Antiquities of Moscow”


Galaxy 2

2nd plenary session

Summing Up

Closing ceremony

Back to the list