e.g: Grant



Sefer Launches New Innovative “Small Projects” Program Within Our “Bank of Ideas on Jewish Studies”

Dear friends!

We are launching a new innovative program “Small Projects” to support local and regional students’ initiatives.

If you plan to hold an exhibition, a small conference, have a series of training classes in the community (or in a Jewish school), organize a round table on Jewish issues, launch a website on history of a Jewish community in your region, publish a book or a magazine, if you are practically ready to implement your ideas, but you have no funding for it – now we can help you. Now you can send your application to a contest and be awarded a grant…

This project is aimed at revitalizing Jewish communities and stimulating regional and local research in the field of Jewish studies in places with lack of knowledge of Jewish civilization is perceived, demand for modernization of ways and methods of higher Jewish education and need for creation of a database with information on Jewish studies.

We define following main goals of the project:

  • To involve significant number of participants into the initiative
  • To strengthen ties of Jewish intellectuals with communities
  • To involve Jewish young people into various communities’ activity
  • To increase level of studying and teaching of Jewish studies
  • To strengthen Jewish identity
  • To create inter-regional ties connecting Jewish intellectuals in various regions
  • To fight against various manifestations of anti-Semitism by projects aimed at public education

Sefer Center is ready to grant you with a small amount of money to support you project. We can also provide informational support for it by means of our web resources (Sefer website, websites of our partners, blogs, accounts in social networks).

Please note that we may take a decision to share the grant sum ($2000) with 1-2 participants pretending to win the contest

Application can be made in any form you prefer.

Applications must be submitted until March 1, 2011 at (title – “Small Projects”).

The projects must have their start planned no later than on Summer 2011.

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