e.g: Grant



Sefer announces the crteation of the Bank of ideas in Jewish studies

Dear participants in Sefer’s programs, dear friends and colleagues, everyone whose work is connected with academic Jewish studies in Russia, the CIS, the Baltic states, and Europe, and outside these regions,

This information is for you!

Sefer Center announces the creation of the Bank of ideas in Jewish studies: an open competition of ideas which, in your opinion, could benefit Jewish studies. The Bank will serve as a depository of ideas, the best of which will be implemented through the resources of Sefer, its partners and sponsors.

The Bank will function on a regular basis accumulating and discussing ideas, and implementing the best of them.

The first stage in the Bank’s work will be an open competition for projects in Judaica which address the revival of Jewish identity, enhancement and development of Jewish historical and cultural traditions. The winners of competition (the two best projects) will have a chance to become Sefer’s partners in the competition “Grassroots 2011” (organized by “CAF – Russia”

The competition will take place in Moscow and Moscow’s region, St.-Petersburg, and Kiev. The proposed projects may be carried out outside these regions, in the territory of the Russian Federation or the Former Soviet Union, but their presentation and final implementation should take place in the regions listed above and be intended for local audiences.

Projects may be developed by initiative groups and submitted to Sefer for subsequent presentation for the competition (according to the competition’s rules, only a registered non-commercial organization may apply for the competition, while an initiative group may participate in the competition through partnership with such an organization). Even if you do not have fully developed projects, but have ideas and suggestions, we encourage you to contact Sefer: we will help you finalize your proposals, with which you can then apply for a grant.

The deadline for projects’ submission is October 10, 2010. Proposals should be sent by e-mail to According to the rules of “Grassroots” competition, the final application should be submitted by November 1, 2010.

In addition to academic and legal partnership in this project, Sefer will continue to look for co-sponsors and, when necessary, identify additional sources of funding for the selected projects (the largest grant for an initiative group in the “Grassroots” competition is 10,000 USD).

We ask that you also send all ideas, proposals and suggestions related to the project “Bank of ideas” to

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