e.g: Grant


Currently there are no open grant competitions.

Grant Program was implemented in 2017–2021. 32 applications have been supported during the time.

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 'Sefer’ Center International Grant for the Research on History and Culture of Russian Jewry in Different Historical Periods.


Grant winners in 2021:

Faculty Research Grants:


  • Karlip, Joshua M.  (PhD, Herbert S. and Naomi Denenberg Chair in Jewish Studies, Associate Professor with tenure, Yeshiva University, Associate Director of the Yeshiva University Center for Israel Studies, USA ) Project title: “Rabbis in the Land of Atheism: The Struggle to Save Judaism in the Soviet Union”

Post-Graduate Students Research Grants:


  • Volokhova, Yulia  (Russian State University for Humanities, doctoral student, Russia ) Project title: “Holocaust Through the Eyes of V.S. Grossman”

Grant winners in 2020:


Faculty Research Grants:


  • Bertelsen, Olga  (PhD, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, College of Security and Intelligence, the USA) Project title: “Persecution of Jews in the Soviet Union and the KGB anti-Jewish Transnational Covert Operations during the Cold War”
  • Norkina, Ekaterina (PhD, St. Petersburg Universitu, Russia) Project title: «Еврейский студенческий мир Санкт-Петербурга в конце XIX -  начале ХХ в.»
  • Rowe-McCulloch, Maris (PhD, University of Regina,  Canada) Project title: “Peaceful Soviet Citizens: The Holocaust and Mass Violence in the German-Occupied City of Rostov-on-Don”
  • Moshkin, Alex (PhD, University of Toronto, Canada) Project title: “Russian-Israeli Culture: In Search of Identity”
  • Teslya Andrey (PhD, Institute of Humanities of Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant, Russia)  & Bibikova Lyubov (PhD, Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov, Russia)  Project title: «Формирование антисемитского дискурса в русском консерватизме конца 1870  – 1880-е гг.»
  • Bobrikhin Andrey (PhD, Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, Russia)  Project title: «За миг до Катастрофы. Жизнь еврейского местечка в картинах любителей и наивных художников»

Post-Graduate Students Research Grants:


  • Balestrieri Anna (doctoral student, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) Project title: “Russian-Jewish Press in the Emigration: The Case of "Rassvet" (1922-34 Berlin-Paris): internal history and external context”
  • Free Anna (doctoral student, University of California, Davis, the USA) Project title:  “Memory, History, and Terror: Post-War Leningrad (1945-1953)”


Grant winners in 2019:


Faculty Research Grants:


  • Dreyer, Nicolas Darius (University of Bamberg, Institute of Slavic Studies, Germany) Project title: «Unrelenting Hope: German Jewish Historical Novels and the Russian Jewish Journal Voskhod»
  • Kopelman, Zoya (Jewish University in Jerusalem, Israel) Project title: «Мемуары Якова Бернштейн-Когана как исторический источник»
  • Krotova, Maria (Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia) and Vladimirsky, Irena (Achva Academic College, Israel) Project title: «История евреев Восточной Сибири через призму дневников и писем еврейского золотопромышленника Якова Фризера (1869-1932)»
  • Prokhorov, Georgiy (Social-Humanitarian State University, Russia) Project title: «Нарратив ассимиляции и еврейской идентичности:  Аркадий Ковнер от еврейской Вильны до имперской Ломжи»


Post-Graduate Students Research Grants:


  • Makarova, Maria (STEPs of RANEPA, Russia, Institute of Slavic Studies of Polish Academy of Sciences) Project title: «“Наша общая территория счастья”?: историческая память Биробиджана в устных воспоминаниях и личных архивных документах»
  • Endel, Maria (independent researcher, Russia) Project title: «Круг нееврейских источников книги «Сипурей маасийот»  («Рассказов о необычайном»)  рабби Нахмана из Брацлав»


Grant winners in 2018:


Faculty Research Grants:


  • Zalkin, Mordechai  (Ben-Gurion University, Full Professor, Israel). Project title: «Deborah Romm: Innovator, Businesswoman, and Agent of Culture»
  • Zelenina, Galina (Russian State University for the Humanities, PhD in History, Russia). Project title: «"Злобные, но бессильные": Отказная среда и советская власть»
  • Reed, Andrew (Brigham Young University, Assistant Professor, USA). Project title: «Contested Identity: D. A. Khvol’son, Ritual Murder, and the Battle for Tolerance in Late Imperial Russia»
  • Le Foll, Claire (University of Southampton, Associate Professor of East European Jewish History and Culture, Great Britain). Project title: «Building a multicultural Belarus: interactions between Jews and non-Jews in Interwar Soviet Belarus, 1918-1939»

Post-Graduate Students Research Grants:


  • Gulakova, Maria (National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, PhD student, Russia). Project title: «Память о насилии как фактор формирования еврейских идентичностей в Российской империи (1903-1917)»
  • Kuznetsova, Ekaterina (University of Regensburg, PhD student, Germany). Project title: «Переводы с идиша на русский язык в СССР в 1920–1930-е годы»
  • Vasiutinskaya-Shapira, Daria (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, PhD candidate). Project title: «Avraham Firkowicz, the Northern Caucasus, and the First Firkowicz Collection of Manuscripts»;
  • Oreshina, Iulia (Georgian-American University, Tbilisi, Geogia, MA). Project title: «Великий Исход: Борьба грузинских евреев за право на эмиграцию (1953 - 1982)»

Grant winners in 2017:

Faculty Research Grants:


  • Waysband, Edward (Humanities and Social Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Russian and Polish Studies, The University of Caen, Normandy, PhD) Project title: «Russian Literary and Press Responses to Polish-Jewish Tensions at the Beginning of World War I»
  • Rashkovskiy, Boris (All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Comprehensive Research Department, Religious Studies Group, Senior Researcher, Ph.D.) Project title: «Khazaria in Jewish Sources of the 10th-16th Centuries»
  • Rebrova, Irina (Center for Anti-Semitism Studies at the Technical University of Berlin, Ph.D.) Project title: «Remembrance of the Holocaust in the North Caucasus: Discourse Analysis of the Official Soviet Documents»
  • Sperber, Haim (Western Galilee College, Israel, PhD). Project title: «Those who stayed behind - the impact of immigration on Jewish women and Jewish family in Eastern Europe 1890–1914»

Post-Graduate Students Research Grants:


  • Bilous, Larysa (doctoral student, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada). Project title: «Jews in Wartime Urban Space: Ethnic Mobilization and the Formation of a New Political Identity in Kyiv, 1914-1918»
  • Slater, Isaac (doctoral student, Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought Ben-Gurion University, Israel). Project title: «The Life and Thought of Rabbi Shmuel Alexandrov»
  • Strakhova, Anastasiia (doctoral student, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, US).  Project title:  «Unexpected Allies: Imperial Russian Support of Jewish Emigration at the Time of Its Legal Ban, 1881–1914»
  • Fishel, Alexandra (doctoral student, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Kiev, Ukaraine). Project title: «Jewish Epigraphic Monuments of the Necropolis near XV-XIX Century Chufut-Kale as a Historical and Cultural Source»

This grant is awarded with the support of the Genesis Philanthropy Group.