Our recomendations
Rotschild Foundation Grants for Academic Jewish Studies
The presence of Jews in Europe stretches back centuries and reaches right the way across the continent. Capturing the stories of the diverse communities and individuals that have both flourished and faltered here, academic Jewish studies helps to enrich our understanding of European Jewish linguistic, cultural, and religious heritage while at the same time shedding light on the state and circumstances of contemporary European Jewry.
Jewish Studies in Europe is highly interdisciplinary, inter-institutional and international. To encourage its growth and to fortify existing provisions, the Foundation offers a grant programme that reflects the collaborative nature of the field, as well as encouraging even greater mobility between departments, students, and post-graduate researchers.
Support for teaching and research in the field of Jewish Studies in Europe is granted via fellowships to support emerging scholars at the onset of their academic careers, language studies scholarships to ensure that European graduate students have the requisite language skills to conduct Jewish Studies research, and regional hub grants for European centres of Jewish Studies to ensure excellence in teaching as well as inter-institutional cooperation amongst the main Jewish Studies Centres across Europe.
This year, the Foundation is also pleased to introduce a further subset of the Hub grants: Research Consortia and Teaching Networks.
Please find details concerning each of these grant categories, as well as details for how to apply, below.
This grant programme is open for applications from 1st February until 20th March 2017.