Our recomendations
CfP: “Mass Violence and Genocides in Ukrainian Lands in the 1930s-1940s”
1-2 December, 2016
Kharkiv, Ukraine
International conference organized by:
The Center for Interethnic Relations Research of Eastern Europe
The Historical School of Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University
The event supported by the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter.
The problems of mass violence and genocides in the Ukrainian lands in the 1930-s-1940-s are a part of the studies on World War II, the Holocaust, the Holodomor, deportation of Crimean ethnic groups (Tatars, Greeks, Bulgarians) in 1944, totalitarianism, traumatic memory etc. Mostly these studies have different trajectories and separate audiences, and researchers don’t often extend beyond their own issues. We are looking for opportunities for the combination of the various approaches to the problem. Our aim is to organize the platform for interdisciplinary discussion on theoretical, contextual and ethical principles of researches on mass violence and genocides.
We seek contributions in particular on the following topics. This list is not normative and abstracts on other related topics will also be considered:
- The ideological backgrounds to violence
- The Holodomor of 1932-1933
- Interwar Soviet Ukraine: the society of everyday violence
- The Genocides during the Nazi occupation: the Holocaust and the Porajmos
- Sovietization of Western Ukraine
- The People in Between: refugees, military and civilian prisoners, deportation
- The problem of ethnic cleansing
- Trauma and memory
Invited experts and guests:
Frank Grelka (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Michael Ellman (University of Amsterdam)
Witold Medykowski (Yad Vashem, Jerusalem)
Dieter Pohl (Alpen-Adria-University, Klagenfurt)
Irina Reva (Institute of Social Studies, Dnipro)
Irina Starovoit (Ivan Franko Lviv National University)
Gulnara Bekirova (Association of Crimean historians)
The organizers invite proposals for 20-minute papers of doctoral students and young scholars. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and be submitted alongside a short CV (no more than 3 pages) by 5 September 2016 to the email address at the foot of this page.
Limited budget might be available to support travel expenses and accommodation, but participants will be encouraged to cover travel costs with their own funds.
For further enquiries please contact:
Artem Kharchenko: ethnickh@gmail.com
URL: https://ethnickh.wordpress.com