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Paideia and the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg Launches a Joint MA Program in Jewish Studies

The new MA program entitled Jewish Civilizations, brings together two leading European academic institutions in Jewish Studies, offering an ambitious studies program designed to provide students thorough knowledge and competence for a career in research and professional life.

Participants in the program will study in Stockholm and Heidelberg for a total of 120 ECTS: 60 credits at Paideia and 60 credits at HfJS. Students are eligible for scholarships during their study time at Paideia as well as in Heidelberg.

In order to apply for the MA in Jewish Civilizations, apply to the Paideia One Year Jewish Studies Program as usual before April 15.

The application for completing the MA program in Heidelberg is processed during the year at Paideia.


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