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Discourses of Anti-Semitism in the Public Sphere 
Дискурсы об антисемитизме в публичном пространстве

Лекция профессора Йоханнеса Ангермюллера пройдет 11 ноября, в понедельник, с 15-00 до 16-30 по московскому времени. Лекция пройдет на английском языке. Чтобы послушать лекцию, необходимо заполнить анкету
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The lecture by Professor Johannes Angermuller will take place on November 11 at 15-00 (Moscow time). The lecture will be delivered in English.
To participate in the lecture please send an email expressing your interest to After that you will receive an email with the link to the lecture and technical instructions.

We may have long believed that anti-semitic ideologies are a thing of the past, that anti-Jewish prejudice has no place in the modern world. Yet the last few years have shown the surprising return of “anti-semitism” as a major issue of contention in the West. By drawing on observations from Germany, France, the UK and the US, I will discuss why anti-semitism is back on the agenda and how it informs political discourses. I will highlight the populist turn in the Western Left (represented by such figures as Jeremy Corbyn and Jean-Luc Mélenchon), which has gone hand in hand with an increasingly critical view of “Israel”. I will look into the transnational dimensions in this discourse and raise the question of how to relate to it.

About the lecturer:
Johannes Angermuller is a discourse researcher in linguistics and sociology and Professor at Open University (UK). He is also affiliated with the Center for Applied Linguistics at Warwick (UK) and a member of CEMS/EHESS in Paris. He is the founding president of  DiscourseNet. International Association of Discourse Studies. More information can be found on his personal website or on the webpage of The Open University. His papers can be found on his personal website as well as on his profile.