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YouTube-библиотека проекта Sephardic World


В этом году Sephardic World стал ведущим форумом по изучению сефардской истории и генеалогии. В честь первого года существования проекта на YouTube были загружены видео с прошедших встреч. Видео, доступные для бесплатного просмотра:

• Daniela Weil - Dutch Brazil and the first Jews of New York

• Jacob Marrache Fischel - Jewish Genealogy in Morocco

• Alain Nedjar - Livorno Sephardic Marriage Registers

• Jarrett Ross - Family Nunes Vaz, a Journey of Western Sephardic genealogy

• Aviva ben-Ur - Suriname: Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society

• Adam Brown - Sephardic DNA project

• Heide Warncke - Highlights from the Ets Haim collection

• Michael Waas - Muestro Yerusha: Jewish heritage and Identity in the Ottoman Empire

• Noam Sienna - Rabbis with inky fingers: Making the 18th Century Hebrew Book

• Stanley Mirvis - The Jews of Eighteenth Century Jamaica

• Laura Arnold Leibman - The Art of the Jewish Family: A History of Women in Early New York in Five Objects

• Randy Schonberg - - Good for the Sephardim?

• Harmen Snel - The Amsterdam Notarial Archives

• Luca Ascoli - The Jews of Italy

• Sephardic Horizons - Libyan Jews in the Maelstrom of Modern History

• Sarina Roffe - Syrian Jews from Aleppo to Brooklyn

• Steven Nadler - Menasseh ben Israel vs the Rabbis

• David Lisbona - From Glory to Dispersion - the Sephardic Lisbona family from Damascus

• Ton Tielen - "My Heart is in the East..." Financial support for Eretz Israel from the farthest West

• Steve Delgado Porter - From Portugal to Jamaica - The Delgado Story

• Adam Brown - Genetic Census of the Sephardim

• Alexander Beider - Jews in the Maghreb - Their Surnames and their Roots - Alexander Beider

• Michael Waas - Jewish Archives in the Ottoman Empire

• Jean-Claude Kuperminc - The Alliance Israélite Universelle -  Sources for Sephardic Studies and Genealogy

• Jessica Roitman - Sephardim in the Atlantic World

• Emile Schrijver - Amsterdam - Bookstore of the World

• Alain Farhi - The Farhi of the Levant

• Julia Creet - Data Mining the Deceased

• Schelly Talalay Dardashti - Sephardic Research, Past, Present and Future

• Inês Pires Nogueiro - Is there genetic evidence of Jews in Portugal?

• Carla Viera - Vindos de Portugal

• Daniel Smith-Ramos - Spain - Essential pre-1750 Records

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