Collective volume "The Shtetl of Hlybokaye in Contemporary Cultural Memory", Moscow, 2017 (Ed. Irina Kopchenova)
This book is the third part in the series "A Jewish Shtetl in Contemporary Cultural Memory," dedicated to the history and culture of Jews in Belarus. The aim of this large-scale project is to uncover archival material and to introduce new findings about the history, traditions and folklore of the Jewish settlements, as well as to showcase the surviving fragments of Jewish cultural heritage and to draw attention to the problems of its conservation. The books in the series are based on materials collected both during annual field schools that are organized by the Sefer Center and the Center for Slavic-Jewish Studies of the Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as through archival research. The expedition to the town of Hlybokaye (Vitebsk Region of Belarus) was an important milestone in the study of the narratives, historical documents, and preserved cemeteries. It is an attempt to reconstruct the "Jewish history" of former Belarusian shtetls, based on historical, epigraphic and ethnographic data.
Editorial Board:
Svetlana Amosova (Sefer Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
Olga Belova (Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
Mikhail Vasilyev (Sefer Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization)
Irina Kopchenova (Ed.-in-chief, Sefer Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
Victoria Mochalova (Sefer Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization, Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
Peer reviewed by Maria Akhmetova (Center of Russian Folklore)
Maria Yasinskaya (Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
ISBN 978-5-7576-0365-0
History and Culture…… ……………………………………………………………….…...21
Victoria Mochalova Hlybokaye: Pages of History ………………………………………… 23
Inna Sorkina The Shtetl of Hlybokaye and its Residents between the Eighteenth and the
First Third of the Twentieth Century ………………………………………………………..49
Margarita Kozhenevskaya The Jewish Community of the Shtetl Hlybokaye at the turn
of Nineteenth/Twentieth Century according to Archival Materials… …………………….. 91
Samuel D. Kassov Community and Identity in the Interwar Shtetl (Translation into Russian
by Irina Kopchenova)........ ..............................................................................................101Kirill Gavrilenko Charity in Jewish Funeral Rites in Western Belarus, 1921–1939 ………..121
Mikhail Krutikov Raysn : “Belarus” in Modern Yiddish Poetry ..........................................141
Local Text of the Shtetl …………….......................................................................................151
Natalia Savina Notes on the Hlybokaye Local Text................................................................153
Olga Belova Everyday Life in the Stories of the Hlybokaye Inhabitants.................................177
Oksana Chyoha Folk Legends of Hlybokaye..................................................................... ......221
Julia Bernstein The Death of the Shtetl of Hlybokaye through the Eyes of Its Teenagers. ......233
The Voices of Hlybokaye… … …............................................................................................259
Oksana Chyoha “Italians on the Beach”: Children’s Memories about the Tragic Events
of World War II............................................... ....................................................................261
Andrey Moroz “So Much History within These Walls ”: History of Hlybokaye
through the Prism of the History of a Single House.................................................................265
Anastasiya Golovina Jewish Calendar through the Eyes of the of Their Non-Jewish
Neighbors ……………………………… ……………………………....275
Anna Skopina At the Junction of Two Religions ..................................................................281
The Hlybokaye Jewish Cemetery ……...................................................................................285
Mikhail Nosonovsky Hlybokaye Jewish Tombstones as a Historic Source and a Cultural
Phenomenon…………… ……………………………..……………………….....................287
Alphabetical Index of Names. Toponyms Composed by Alexandra Fishel and Mikhail Vasilyev...................................................................................................................................301
List of the Homeowners of Hlybokaye for Year 1921. Preface, translation from Polish
and publication by Margarita Kozhenevskaya…………….................................................... 317
List of the Owners of Industrial and Commercial Enterprises of Hlybokaye for Year 1923
Translation from Polish and publication by Margarita Kozhenevskaya …………..................337
Information on Jewish inhabitants of the town Hlybokaye in “Memorial books of Vilnius province”
(Years 1890 – 1910) Publication by Konstantin Karpekin......... .............................. 345
Excerpts from the Minutes of the Meetings of Glubokoye Regional Committee and Disnensk District
Committee of Bolshevik Communist Party. (January 1940 – May 1941) Introduction and
Publication by Konstantin Karpekin................ .................................................................... 347
Verordnung uber Arbeitseinsatz, Verpflegung und Entlohnung der Juden vom 16 September
1942 (The Order on Attraction to Work, Meals and Payment for Work of Jews
as of September 1, 1942) Introduction and Publication by Konstantin Karpekin............... .....353
Daily Life of the Ghetto of Hlybokaye basing on Photo Materials of Holocaust Memorial Museum
(Washington DC, USA) Introduction and Translation from English by Irina Kopchenova.......361
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 371
Information on Authors ............................................................................................................ 374
Materials of SFIRA Database......................................................................................................375