e.g: Grant


Sefer" Center held a school on Jewish Studies in Poland "Polish Jewry as a cultural and historical phenomenon" on August 17-27, 2017. The school was organized by "Sefer" Center in cooperation with the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw and the Museum of the History of Polish Jews "Polin" with the support of Genesis Philanthropy Group and UJA Federation of NY.

47 people took part in the school: 37 participants from Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Taganrog, Tyumen, Astrakhan, Nizhnekamsk, Perm, Yelets), Ukraine (Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Chernivtsi), Belarus (Brest, Grodno, Glubokoe), Latvia (Riga), Lithuania (Vilnius), Poland (Warsaw, Lublin), Germany (Cologne) and 10 teachers from Russia, Poland and Israel.


Mini-courses and plenary lectures on various aspects of the historical and cultural heritage of the Polish Jewry were delivered within the framework of the school. Particular attention was paid to the themes of the coexistence and mutual influence of Jews and Poles in different areas and Jewish-Polish relations in different periods of history.

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The following lectures were delivered:

• Dr. Victoria Mochalova "The Early Stage of Jewish Settlement in Poland", "Jews and Renaissance"

• Dr. Anna Mikhalovskaya-Mychelskaya "Jewish self-government in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (XVI-XVIII centuries)"

• Dr. Arthur Markowski "The Jews of the Kingdom of Poland in the Russian Empire"

• Dr. Semyon Goldin "Polish-Jewish relations in the" long XIX century".


• prof. Shimon Rudnitsky "Pogrom in Siedlce in 1906", "Litvaks and refugees from revolutionary Russia", "Jews in Poland in 1918-1939".

• Dr. Ioanna Naleviko-Kulikov "The History of the Jewish Press in Warsaw" and "The Archives of Emmanuel Ringelblum, the Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto"

• Dr. Eleanor Bergman "Polish Synagogues and Synagogues in Poland"

• Dr. Alina Tsala "The image of a Jew in Polish traditional culture"


Lectures were held at the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw, as well as in the Museum of the History of Polish Jews "Polin" (Warsaw) and at the Center for Jewish Culture (Krakow).

The tour in the “Polin” Museum lasted more than 2.5 hours, some participants continued to examine the exposition in their spare time, the museum exposition provoked heated arguments and discussions.

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Bus and walking tours around Warsaw were organized for the participants of the school, they were taken around the former Jewish quarter and the cemetery, as well as around the Christian part of the city. Participants had an opportunity to visits Warsaw museums and research centers.

Olga Shymanska (Jewish Historical Institute / ŻIH) conducted an excursion along the right-bank district  of Warsaw, including a Jewish cemetery in the Brudno district.

In the middle of the school there was a 4-day trip on the route Warsaw - Lublin - Zamost - Lancut - Tarnow - Rzeszow - Krakow - Pinchov - Khmilnik - Warsaw. We visited synagogues, museums, Jewish cemeteries. All excursions and trips were accompanied by lectures, explanations and comments by Dr. Semyon Goldin and Dr. Victoria Mochalova.

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In the last days of the school, our participants had the opportunity to attend events within the framework of the Warsaw Singer festival, which was an excellent cultural addition to our program. 

The program of the school was very rich, and the final round table showed different opinions on the most important aspects of the school.  The participants shared their impressions, summarized everything  they saw and heard, and made plans for the future.



We are happy to share the feedback of the participants of our school in different languages:

Алла Марченко, участница школы, вела блог (на украинском языке)

Gosia Korzeniewska:

Про любимую Польшу, исполнение желаний и Центр Сэфер во главе всего этого!  

Не раз убеждалась, что мысли материализуются и мечты могут становиться действительностью, при этом иногда твои лично старания минимальны, и здесь отдельное спасибо тем, кто оказывается рядом  ;)

Мое первое знакомство с Варшавой произошло около 10 лет тому назад, частью его стала, конечно же ;), экскурсия, во время которой акцент делался на истории и культуре польского народа. Подумалось мне тогда : «Как же было бы круто приехать в этот город и познакомиться с его еврейской историей. И чтобы было это не мимолётная экскурсия, а основательное такое знакомство, а кроме этого были ещё всякие интересные мероприятия на тему еврейской Варшавы, и длилось бы это всё несколько дней. А во время этого замечательного времяпрепровождения жить было бы круто на берегу Вислы, дабы вечером была возможность погулять по набережной!» … 

Подумать не могла тогда, что всё это станет реальностью и даже больше!!!! Мне посчастливилось принимать участие в Летней школе по иудаике Центра Сэфер «Еврейство Польши как культурно-исторический феномен», где вот всё выше описанное воплотилось в жизнь, и даже гостиница на берегу Вислы (окна в номере выходили аккурат на реку  ;)) ! 

Экскурсии по еврейской Варшаве, посещение одного из лучших музеев Польши «Полин» и там же прослушивание интереснейших лекций на тему истории и культуры польских евреев, посещение еврейских кладбищ Варшавы и многое другое. А кроме этого, были ещё знакомства с королевским Краковом и его еврейской историей, Люблином и рядом малых и прекрасных городков, где хранят память и наследие целой цивилизации, безвозвратно исчезнувшей … 

Эти 10 прекрасных дней в Польше! Как же всё было насыщенным, как же всё было интересным, а для меня ещё и важным, чтобы намечать следующие цели, ну или мечты!  ;) 

И, конечно же, хочется выразить слова огромной благодарности всем тем, кто работал над созданием этой летней школы по иудаике в Варшаве (Victoria Mochalova , Anna Shayevich , Artur Markowski и многие другие). Вы непросто организовали прекрасную школу, вы исполнили мои мечты! СПАСИБО!

Eugenie Rudyuk:

עכשיו אני בפולין ומשתתפת בתוכנית קיץ סטודנטית שמאורגן על ידי מרכז חינוכית ״ספר״. שלשום ביקרנו את בית הכנסת בלנצות שבו היה מתפולל חוזה מלובלין עד שעבר ללובלין. המקום הזה הוא כל כך מיסטי ומאיחוד. שם מצאנו כתיבת קירות מענינת שיש לה המקור בפרקי אבות ה:כג:

 ״הֱוֵה עַז כַּנָּמֵר. וְקַל כַּנֶּשֶׁר. וְרָץ כַּצְבִי. וְגִבּוֹר כָּאֲרִי לַעֲשׂוֹת רְצוֹן אָבִיךָ שֶׁבַּשָּׁמָיִם״.

Dear Friends!

We are pleased to inform you that on August 17-27, 2017, the Sefer Center, Institute of History of the University of Warsaw, the Museum of the History of Polish Jews of Polin, with the support of the Genesis Philanthropy Group and the UJA Federation of NY, conduct a summer in-door Jewish school in Poland. The theme of our school is "Polish Jewry as a cultural and historical phenomenon".


     The Polish state (Rzeczpospolita) had been seen as a "paradise for Jews" for centuries, and the Jewish community has successfully grown and developed in it. The heritage of the Polish Jewry turned out to be decisive for the formation of the cultural and historical identity of the Jews of Eastern Europe. During the school, organized in cooperation with the Museum of History and Culture of Polish Jews of Polin and the University of Warsaw, mini-courses and plenary lectures on various aspects of the historical and cultural heritage of Polish Jewry will be delivered. Particular attention will be paid to the topics of the coexistence and mutual influence of Jews and Poles in different areas, Jewish-Polish relations in different periods of history. The school will be attended by specialists from Russia, Poland and Israel. In addition to lectures in classes, excursions to Jewish Warsaw, as well as visits to Warsaw museums and research centers will be organized for school participants. The organizers also plan to arrange trips to other cities in Poland (Krakow, perhaps Lublin and Lodz).


Lectures at the school will be delivered by Dr. Semyon Goldin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Dr. Victoria Mochalova (Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Dr. Arthur Markovsky (Warsaw University),  Prof. Shimon Rudnitsky (Warsaw University), Dr. Anna Michalovskaya-Mychelska (University of Warsaw) Dr. John Nalivaiko-Kulikov (Polish Academy of Sciences) and others. Topics of the courses will be announced later.
At the moment, there are negotiations for the participation of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the program of the school. With a positive decision, there may appear a batch in the school devoted to the history of World War II (with the participation of Professor Oleg Budnitsky and others).
Students and post-graduate students are invited to participate in the school, whose scientific work (dissertations, diplomas, coursework) is directly connected to the history and culture of the Jews of Eastern Europe.
Organizers of the school provide accommodation, meals, transfers within the country, educational and cultural program.
Tickets to Warsaw, a visa, medical insurance are not covered There is also a small entrance fee for participation in the school (maximum $ 100).

The school program will be published on our website later. Those who want to take part in the school should fill out the Participant's Questionnaire, it should be filled out in Russian as the School will be held in Russian. 

Applications for participation in the school are accepted until April 20, 2017.
The announcement of the results of the competitive selection will be sent out by April 29, 2017.

Sincerely, Organizing Committee
